Page 55 - Anuario25
P. 55

Asprino M.

              solidaridad- que han surgido como consecuencia de nuevas exigencias sociales de

              PALABRAS CLAVES:  Ambiente; Tutela Jurídica del Ambiente; Derecho a un Am-
              biente Sano; Derechos Humanos.

              Right to environment as a human right: special reference to biosecurity concept

              Up to few years ago, the last generations enjoyed the benefits of a healthy envi-
              ronment, without the need that the right to that should be recognized in the legal
              system. However, the environmental crisis faced by mankind at the present time
              caused by global processes of negative effect on the planet life, as the global war-
              ming, the lost of biodiversity and the genetic contamination of natural cultures
              have shown that the enjoyment of a healthy and no degraded enviroment is a sine
              qua non condition for the survival of man and of all life form existing on the planet.
              Efforts have been made in the juridical ambit in order to obtain a definitive recog-
              nition of this right in the international and national positive rules. Jurist all over the
              world are trying to obtain the right to enjoy a healthy and no degraded enviroment
              as a fundamental right of human being in the context of the international system of
              human rights, taking into account as a valuable antecedent the Stockholm Decla-
              ration of 1972. Those who consider it as a human right, place it in a new cathegory
              of human rights – those called human rights of a third generation or of solidarity
              – which have arisen as a consequence of new social demands for protection.

              Key words: Environment, Enviromental Juridical tutelage, Right to a healthy envi-
              ronment, Human rights.

          1- Concepto y definición de ambiente

              Alrededor del término “ambiente” se ha discutido mucho en la doctrina,
          como consecuencia de un sano afán de dotarlo de claridad y precisión conceptual,
          de  precisar  sus  límites  y  de  establecer  su  alcance,  en  una  época,  donde  la
          naturaleza y los peligros que la amenazan, han adquirido rol protagónico. De esta
          manera, se ha llegado a debatir inclusive sobre la conveniencia o no de mantener
          el  uso  exclusivo  del  término  “ambiente”  de  manera  simple,  en  contraposición
          a  la  tendencia  -múltiples  veces  concretada  por  diversos  autores  nacionales  y
          extranjeros- de utilizar la expresión compuesta “medio ambiente”, discusión que
          en Venezuela se remonta hasta la década de los ´70, cuando estaba en pleno auge
          la labor del grupo de trabajo de ecología del para entonces Consejo Nacional

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