Page 6 - Anuario29
P. 6

Abdón Sánchez Noguera. Las Medidas Cautelares en el Procedimiento
            14                                              por Intimacion / Pp. 13-40

            This work contains some ideas about the precautionary measures in the
            procedure by notice provided for in article 640 and following of the Code
            of Civil Procedure venezuelan, understanding that the same are governed
            by a special system that departs from the regulation of interim protection
            general developed in the Third Book of the same code.
            In this regard, considering the criteria that doctrine and jurisprudence on the
            issue have been exposed since the promulgation of the adjective existing
            code,  there  is  the  recognition  of  two  modalities  of  the  precautionary
            measures in the procedure, based on the legal nature of the same and the
            content of the article 646.
            On the contrary of what until now has been considered, to understand that
            the rules that govern the precautionary measures in the payment procedure
            are exclusive of those that regulate the regular precautionary procedure,
            the possibility arose of supplementarily apply these standards, as may be
            necessary for the guarantee of due process and the needs of the procedure,
            without ignoring the principle of procedural specialty laid down in article
            22 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
            Finally makes some conclusions to title of reflection on a future reform of
            the Code of Civil Procedure, with regard to the precautionary measures in
            the procedure by summons.
            Summons. Legal nature. Precautionary Measures. Procedure. Challenge.

            I. INTRODUCCION

                   Toda la construcción teórica de la tutela cautelar en el proceso
            civil, se ha construido sobre la base de un hecho jurídico indiscutido: la
            existencia del proceso.

                   A partir de ese hecho, o mejor, de uno de sus problemas y como
            consecuencia del mismo, surge la necesidad de ofrecerle al justiciable la
            garantía de que la sentencia a dictarse, tenga asegurada su efectiva ejecución
            para la satisfacción del derecho reconocido (Derecho a la tutela judicial
            efectiva, Art. 26 de la CRBV), ofreciéndole un patrimonio ejecutable o un
            bien restituible en poder de quien resulte obligado por la decisión judicial.
            Ese problema es la lenta tramitación de los asuntos judiciales o demora
            injustificada, que trasladado a la tutela cautelar se traduce en el “periculum
            in mora”, uno de los presupuestos de dicha tutela, que al producirse y no
            prevenirse su efecto, violenta la garantía constitucional del “plazo razonable”
            (Art. 49-3 de la CRBV); es por ello que siendo el proceso la garantía de
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